Study Finds Only 19% Of Ad Execs Still Working From Home

Less than a fifth (19%) of U.S. ad executives are now working mainly from home, down from nearly a quarter (23%) last year and more than a third (37%) two years ago, according to the latest edition of a periodic tracking study conducted by Advertiser Perceptions for Cumulus Media/Westwood One Audio Active Group.

"The marketing industry is still working from home more than the average American," the audio media company's Chief Insights Officer Pierre Bouvard writes in a blog post, citing research that only 14% of "average Americans" currently are working exclusively from home.



More to the sales point, Bouvard adds: "Compared to marketers and agencies, the average American is exposed more frequently to billboards, out-of-home advertising, and AM/FM radio ads."

Interestingly, the study also finds that more than half (55%) of those ad execs currently working from home do not plan to return to working from the office full-time, up from 34% in last year's survey.

1 comment about "Study Finds Only 19% Of Ad Execs Still Working From Home".
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  1. Pierre Bouvard from Cumulus Westwood One, May 9, 2023 at 10:39 a.m.

    Joe! Thanks for covering this! Here's the complete study:

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