Donald Trump Jr., the son of the former president, is entering the publishing arena with a magazine for unapologetic men. “Yes I’m publishing a non-woke men’s lifestyle magazine,” he tweeted. “Check it out and subscribe today.”
The quarterly magazine is called Field Ethos, and a post states, “The premier lifestyle publication for the unapologetic man is here. Enjoy a mix of modern adventure, historical context and perspectives forged through global travel while staying current with the latest products that elevate an unapologetic life.”
The post urges men to “Spour a drink, sit back, and let Field Ethos Journal 2023 Volume 3 inspire you to create your own stories.”
It almost sounds like a mixture of old-time men’s titles like Argosy, combined with Cavalier.
“The pitch is Soldier of Fortune with an EDC vibe, but the reality is fantasists and failsons,” writes BoingBoing, which first had the story. “It's the story of contemporary American conservatism.”
The magazine is charging $15 for a subscription, billed quarterly.
You can't make things like this up---can you? What's next ------an AVOD streaming service called NOWOKE?
Maybe a magazine for those people who aren't alert to racial prejudice and discrimination could be launched. Maybe call it 'The Unwoken'.