Nieman Lab, a news site that covers developments in journalism, has added a WhatsApp Channel for content delivery.
“In the channel, you’ll get our stories and updates about the future of news, along with what else we’re reading from around the internet,” Nieman Lab writes. “We’ll experiment with new features as they come out and hope to learn more about our WhatsApp readers along the way.”
Nieman Lab observes, “For years, news publishers have been using WhatsApp in all sorts of interesting ways to share news, build communities, and debunk misinformation. Earlier this month, we talked to 13 news publishers about how they’re using WhatsApp’s latest feature, Channels, to reach and engage news consumers on an app they already use daily.”
It adds, “We think there’s an audience for journalism innovation news on the platform, too.
The Nieman Journalism Lab was started in 2008 by the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.