Wired has lost roughly 15% of its staff in a layoff that exceeded the company percentage announced by Condé Nast, according to SFGate.
The claim could not be independently verified at deadline. But the report states that around 20 employees received pink slips.
Last month, Condé Nast’s CEO Roger Lynch announced in an email to employees that Condé Nast was cutting its staff by 5%, affecting 270 workers. Lynch blamed the layoffs on digital advertising pressures, a decline in social media traffic and a move by the audience to short-form video.
The Wired staff cuts affected reporters covering labor, health, artificial intelligence, space and science, SFGate reports. And, several editors also were dismissed, including some in the features and science divisions, SFGate continues.
A director of audience development also was laid off.
Whatever the actual numbers, terminated staffers were understandably upset.
“(Heart) BREAKING NEWS: After 20 years @Wired, I was among the group of talented editors, writers, designers and others laid off last Thursday.”
"Sad to say I'm leaving @WIRED after what feels like a blip," says Camille Bromley. "But it was a fun blip, and spent in the company of great colleagues."
Union workers were met by security guards when they tried to demand information about layoffs at The New Yorker earlier this month, The NewsGuild of New York has alleged.
According to SFGate, Condé Nast did not comment on the Wired layoffs.