Delta Changes Uniform Policy After Social Media Brouhaha

Delta Air Lines is trying to head off potentially being caught in political divisiveness by restricting employees from making statements via their clothing. 

As of Monday, only U.S. flag pins will be permitted to be worn on uniforms. Previously, pins representing countries and nationalities from around the world had been allowed.

“We are proud of our diverse base of employees and customers and the foundation of our brand, which is to connect the world and provide a premium experience,” according to a statement obtained by USA Today on Friday.  “We are taking this step to help ensure a safe, comfortable and welcoming environment for all.”



What prompted the change is a social media post that showed two Delta Air Lines flight attendants wearing pins depicting the Palestinian flag.

An X user posted images of two Delta employees wearing the pins, suggesting that the imagery made the traveler uncomfortable, according to CBS News.

“Since 2001 we take our shoes off in every airport because a terrorist attack in US soil. Now imagine getting into a Delta flight and seeing workers with Hamas badges in the air. What do you do?" the X user wrote. 

“Soon after the images were published, the official Delta account on X responded in solidarity” with those who said they were offended by the flags, according to The New York Times. “‘I hear you as I’d be terrified as well, personally,’ read the comment."

The reply was soon taken down and Delta issued a statement on social media. 

“On Wednesday, we removed a reply that was not in line with our values. We strive for an environment of inclusivity & respect for all, in our communities & our planes. The employee responsible no longer supports Delta’s social channels. We apologize for this hurtful post.”

The flight attendants, who were photographed on separate flights, are still working for the airline and have received support from the company, Delta said in a statement, according to The Washington Post. 

“The spokesperson said the team member who wrote the post ‘has been counseled and no longer supports Delta’s social channels,’ but did not specify whether the team member still worked for Delta,” per The Washington Post

It’s not the only turbulence the airline has experienced lately. 

Delta is launching a significant campaign highlighting its sponsorship of the Paris Olympics, as reported in Marketing Daily.  But the airline is losing $100 million because tourists don’t want to attend the event, according to Fortune. 

1 comment about "Delta Changes Uniform Policy After Social Media Brouhaha".
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  1. Stuart Jay from jay consulting, July 15, 2024 at 5:10 p.m.

    I am flying Delta next week and feel very uncomfortable having employees who are supportive of Hamas, which is an organziation that is comfortable with the sacrafice of innocent people. I have another trip planned for August and think I will be flying United instead of Delta.

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