Apple Podcasts Is Now Third In Listening

Apple Podcasts has suffered a setback. The percentage of listeners who utilize the Apple podcast app has fallen from 30% in July 2019 to 10% now, according to 9to5 Mac.  

Apple has gone from the top spot to No. 3.  

In contrast, YouTube has become the most popular podcast listening platform in the U.S., now drawing 31% usage.

Second is Spotify at 21% and third is Apple with 12%. 

“The one place Apple seems to maintain a lead is when podcasters count ‘downloads' instead of ‘listeners',” 9to5Mac writes. 

“But even that headway appears to be fading,” 9to5Mac continues. “Beginning in April, Spotify surpassed Apple Podcasts in monthly downloads for podcasters using the hosting service Buzzsprout.”




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