Bolstering its standing as an online entertainment hub, The New York Times Co. on Monday announced its acquisition of film and television database Baseline StudioSystems for $35 million in cash from
Hollywood Media Corp. Through the deal, the Times Co. aims to increase the drawing power of the movie and TV sections of its Web site by offering broader and deeper content. It also gains a
subscription-based information service used by Hollywood studios and production companies. The Times plans to incorporate Baseline's syndicated data, such as actor and other biographies, professional
credits, and film and TV project histories. Because of studios' familiarity with the database, the acquisition will help to strengthen its business ties to the entertainment industry, said
Vivian Schiller, senior vice president-general manager of And by expanding the community-building aspects of its movie and TV sites, she said, traffic has increased "exponentially" in the
last year.
--Mark Walsh