
Advergaming: One Man's View From The Left Coast

Every day herds of agencies and brands dive in to make their impressions on the world. Some do a fantastic job, and some simply swing and miss.

If games are the new canvas, then one can expect some to be innovative and true art--while others simply apply traditional thinking to the new canvas, like paint by numbers. What the heck am I talking about? The people that are using this new canvas to engage audiences by involving their brand in the game theory and objectives are doing themselves justice. Those that are throwing up billboards are just throwing up billboards.

Is there a difference between a virtual billboard and a billboard off I-95? I would say no. Sure, the research will tell you that gamers like the signs because it gives an added sense of realism. I interpret that to mean that they enjoy the game because it reminds them of the environment that they are conditioned to accept in the real world. I look at that as a mostly ineffective tactic in both worlds--the one that contains oxygen as well as the un-oxegenated world.

Innovative mediums should force agencies and brands to be innovative in how they use them. It is easy to throw up virtual billboards or virtual retail locations. It is tougher to make your brand relevant in the theory of the game. Think integrally and force yourself to see how your brand or client can enhance the game experience, not simply clutter the "virtual side of the road." I don't get the luxury of dreaming these kinds of things up all day. It would be an absolute joy--trust me.

The reality is that some brands should be in games, and some should not. There is no guarantee that a gaming medium makes sense for all brands. So, if you simply say, find us a game, and one is found, then please ask yourself some hard questions like, " Am I simply spending $4 million to follow the herd and be where everyone tells me I should be?" Who knows, questions like this may lead you to create the next innovative medium. Remember, forcing yourself to really think also forces your brain to step outside of your conditioned behavior and create new possibilities. The only question is, where is the next great canvas?

One thing is for certain--I am looking for my next canvas. Best of luck, and most important--GAME ON !!!!

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