B-to-B Ad Pages Continue To Falter

Ad pages in the U.S. business press continued to fall in May, contributing to a 3.3% drop through the first five months of 2007, according to estimates released Monday by American Business Media. The data, compiled via ABM's Business Information Network, indicates that total advertising revenues for business media has dipped 1.9% vs. the January to May 2006 period.

The ABM did not provide detailed data on totals and categories for May, but said ad pages in some categories actually posted gains in print revenue, including the architecture/design & lighting sector, which jumped 14.4% vs. May 2006.

"While the May numbers are not what we hoped they would be, the year-to-date numbers continue to suggest that magazine revenues remain steady," ABM President-CEO Gordon Hughes stated, reiterating the ABM's position that the B-to-B marketplace is expanding beyond traditional print media advertising to include digital advertising and event marketing at a rapid pace.

"Overall, our industry continues to be robust," said Hughes.



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