In a story about
Razor magazine on Wednesday of this week, MediaDailyNews inadvertently grouped
Ramp magazine with men's magazines that had gone out of business. That is not the case.
According to publisher Richard Amann,
Ramp "is very much alive and well. We're currently on 25,000 newsstands nationwide with a readership of 240,000 and that number increases with each issue.
Our fifth issue hits nationally on June 5th. We have never suspended publication and do not intend to do so. The entire staff of Ramp is totally committed to publishing a magazine that appeals to an
overlooked, neglected audience.... the 25-35 year old male reader. In fact, under my leadership, we are revamping our publication to directly impact those guys who have outgrown the lad mags and are
looking for a complete package that is edgier, newsier, more entertaining and specifically addresses their changing lifestyle." We regret the error.