The first properties within Next New Networks to use Collarity's technology are, a network for political reporting and commentary, and, a network dedicated to comic book news and culture.
Based on Next New Networks' viewer behavior, Collarity will attempt to uncover the community segments from their video streams and page views. Collarity creates results based on the anonymous interests of all people visiting the sites. When anyone searches for a video, they can see what videos mattered to people who are most like themselves.
Collarity will deliver search, site recommendations and advertising to Next New Networks, through their community-based service. Collarity will place various ad units to maximize revenues for niche video programming, including "ticker-type" ads that display while video plays on the site.
Existing Collarity clients include Fox Interactive, Crain's Chicago Business and Ynet. Other Next New Networks properties include Barely Political, IndyMogul, and Threadbanger.
--Gavin O'Malley