His initiative is a reality series backed by Sony Pictures Television called "Dating Brad Garrett," where, as reflected in the title, he is "looking for love."
In the 10-episode series, cameras will trail Garrett on blind dates with 10 separate women--who, as of June 12, can submit their videos online at Crackle.com. A panel will select the "finalists," including Garrett's ex-wife.
This fall, the series will air on a range of outlets from YouTube to Verizon mobile to Hulu.
"An online dating show seemed like a logical choice, given that I'm in the midst of a midlife crisis and adverse to pain, which makes getting my ear pierced out of the question," said Garrett.
Brad Garrett, Glenn Robbins, Doug Wald and Kallissa Miller are the executive producers of "Dating Brad Garrett" for Sony Pictures Television.