Comedy Central Taps IM Site Meebo For Election Coverage

  • October 30, 2008
Comedy Central has tapped instant-messaging site Meebo to host live user commentary on on Election Day. "The Daily Show"-connected political satire site will integrate Meebo Rooms and embedded chat rooms for the big day, Nov. 4, while Comedy Central plans the service on-air to direct all "amateur pundits" to

Postings will take place all day by the site's bloggers who will report the latest news on the presidential election as well as the hot races in the House and Senate.

The site will also host a Live Chat, powered by Meebo, during the day and throughout the "Indecision 2008: America's Choice" special, for users to connect and discuss the election with other users.

There will also be a live blogging event from 7:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. with comedian Patton Oswalt.--Gavin O'Malley

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