The MRC cited "continuing issues" for both local and national services, as well as plans to add broadband-only households to its local panels, as … Read the whole story
Despite heavy Nielsen spin -- on- and off-the-record as well as to its investors -- that accreditation of its ratings services doesn't actually matter, … Read the whole story
This is our big chance to find out whether the marketplace values a common, universal measure over an accurate or a certified measure. Read the whole story
CBS has "gone to double-digit [percentage price] increases for the NFL throughout the regular season and playoffs," says John Bogusz, EVP, sports sales & … Read the whole story
The Groupe has created a new dedicated agency to service the account called Team Lift, that will support marketing strategy, data and analytics, media … Read the whole story
The diamonds marketer named Havas Media Group its global media agency of record, replacing incumbent Mindshare, which opted out of the pitch. Read the whole story
The entire exercise of replacing Alex Trebek as "Jeopardy!" host following his death last November has been bungled from the get-go. Read the whole story
Digital advertising options such as in-game, streaming music/video, podcasts and social media story ads were among the most improved in terms of consumer "ad … Read the whole story
Antitrust officials have stepped up their investigation of Google's behavior in the digital advertising arena, and could file suit by year's end, according to … Read the whole story
Intuit is in talks to buy Mailchimp, but no final decision has been made. Read the whole story
Responsive search ads will become the only search ad type that marketers can create or edit in standard search campaigns. Read the whole story
A federal judge has essentially thrown out Locast's core argument for being exempt from copyright infringement liability for streaming local broadcast signals in more … Read the whole story
Leichtman says 82% of all TV homes have at least one streaming or direct-to-consumer service, and 53% have three or more services. Read the whole story
Your company's environmental impact starts with you and your input on their initiatives. Read the whole story
WhatsApp was fined a record $266 million following an inquiry into its transparency around sharing personal data with other Facebook companies. The ruling said … Read the whole story