
Rapid Testing: Ro Takes On Covid With Segmentation and Engagement

The telehealth company that built its brand on ED and hair loss treatment was an unlikely destination for rapid COVID tests. But with a swelling inventory of tests, and a population in need of them, the marketers at Ro pivoted their CRM operation toward test distribution.

But how do you get through junk mail filters when all of them are on high alert for COVID scams, let alone for emails relating to any sensitive medical issues? As Ro’s Senior Director of CRM, Amy Heir, told us at the recent Email Insider Summit, it all came down to hyper-segmentation and optimizing messages based on engagement, not the usual demographic targeting. The shift toward marketing segmentation has helped Ro’s emails enjoy the open rates of many media companies and even reconnect with customers who haven’t engaged with the brand for half a year. You can watch the entire video at this link.

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