Monday, January 24, 2005
  • Adware Weary: 'AdWare' Drops Name, Becomes Mediaplex

    Yielding to the growing popularity of the online marketing term "adware," ValueClick Monday announced plans to change the name of AdWare Systems, a unit … Read the whole story

  • Final Score: Heidi Klum 3.2 Million - Super Bowl 0

    Acknowledging for the 42nd year in a row that some wrong-thinking Americans don't want pictures of the world's best looking women in itsy-bitsy, teeny-tiny … Read the whole story

  • CQ Weekly Gets A Makeover

    CQ Weekly today debuts a new design and focus, widening its lens beyond the world of Congress and legislative activity, to analyze issues that … Read the whole story

  • FCC Chairman Michael Powell to Resign in March

    After four years of crusading against broadcast indecency and rolling back limits on media ownership, Federal Communications Commission Chairman Michael K. Powell said he … Read the whole story

  • Mag Spotlight: Country Weekly

    You might say that Country Weekly was a red state medium before the red states were cool (at least, cool to Madison Avenue). The … Read the whole story