USG Corp. Taps 50,000feet For Sustainability Campaign

USG Corporation has tapped Chicago-based agency 50,000feet to help it launch a new global sustainability campaign called Thinking Beyond Building.

The campaign is designed to covey USG’s leadership and expertise in design and architecture and the firm’s transparency in communicating sustainability goals which they intend to achieve by 2030.

The goals are organized about the firm’s footprint, customer well-being, delivering a circular economy and putting people first.

As part of the effort, 50,000feet created a landing page that offers an overview of the sustainability program including featured products, statistics, certifications and downloadable content. A subpage provides specific details regarding initiatives and goals.

The agency also created social media assets with supporting captions, digital banners and print advertising to grow visibility and drive digital engagement.

USG Corp. says it’s the largest distributor of wallboard in the U.S. and the largest manufacturer of gypsum products in North America.


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