
Out to Launch

Spike Jonze created "I'm Here," a 30-minute short film that debuted at the Sundance Film Festival. The film, to be released online in March, was made through a partnership with Absolut Vodka. TBWA/Chiat/Day created 30- and 60-second trailers for use online and TV. Jonze brings viewers a love story between a male robot living a meticulous, robotic (pun intended) life and a free-spirited female robot. The trailer looks sweet. The peppy fembot dances, falls off a wall and wins the robot's heart. "Ordinary is no place to be," ends the trailer, seen here. Nor is the ER, given our current state of health care.

The International Medical Assistance launched a print campaign this week depicting the destruction in Haiti with a torn map surrounded by uprooted dirt. "There's no time to sit back reading the paper and watching the news," says the adfor AMI Haiti Emergency Mission, urging people to donate. See the ad here, created by Y&R Lisbon.

The International Rescue Committee launched an ad to raise funds for Haiti. Staffers at McCann New York and Universal McCann New York created a pro-bono video using still images from the disaster in Haiti. The spot encourages viewers to text "HAITI" to 25383 and donate $5 to the relief effort, which is billed to a user's mobile phone bill. "Haiti crumbled in 35 seconds. You can help rescue it in less," says the ad, with heartbreaking photos interspersed between words. See it here.

Where is this wondrous Republic of Bacon located? Hold my calls. It's time for a visit. Maple Leaf Bacon launched three TV spots and a microsite promoting its resealable packaging. A woman gets down on bended knee, holding a resealable package of bacon, in "Proposal." Her boyfriend accepts her marriage proposal, gets emotional and responds, "I love it too," after she says, "I love you." Big mistake. See it here. Aromatherapy for two men in "Spa" consists of bathrobes, sizzling bacon and cold bacon placed across the eyes, to relieve puffiness. Watch it here. A woman damages her boyfriend's car in "Sorry." She apologizes by sending a reclosable package of bacon to his office, lovingly placed inside a vase. See it here. Each ad drives traffic to the Republic of Bacon Web site, a community for bacon lovers. The site features a casino where players can win bacon for a decade, a Red Light District where you can watch edgy videos, like bacon frying in a pan. Sizzle. I personally like the closing line of the RoB's mantra: "Welcome to the Republic of Bacon. We hope you're not vegetarian." john st. Toronto created the campaign.

Remember Salty, the lovable down-on-his-luck character promoting Knorr Sidekicks? Well he's back in two adorable TV spots, although I'm sad to report his lucks still stinks. Salty tries a little online dating in "Dating." He tries to live-chat with one woman, but he's too tiny to be seen by his computer's Webcam. He attempts to close the laptop a bit, but it closes fully on him, trapping his head. And you thought carpal tunnel was bad. See it here. Salty is looking for a little of that human touch in "Brace." He trashes a restaurant saltshaker and plays stand-in, eagerly awaiting a diner's use. Only problem is, the saltshaker he trashed was the type that you need to twist the head. You know where this is heading. Poor Salty leaves the diner in a neck brace. Watch it here. DDB Torontocreated the campaign, directed by David Hicks of Sons and Daughters.

It's rematch time for Sidney Crosby and his teammate Maxime Talbot. The location is Crosby's childhood basement, and shooting the most pucks into the dented hockey dryer is the goal. The ad promotes Reebok Speedwick Training Apparel. The players compete in two rounds. Crosby's homefield advantage is too much for Talbot. He loses both matches. But I'm sure he had fun denting the dryer! See the ad here, created by Gotham.

Quercetin. That's Lance Armstrong's secret weapon, according to an ad for FRS energy drinks. The ad intermingles shots of Armstrong exercising with large copy pondering Armstrong's secret to success (a loaded question at that), while defining Quercetin. It's an antioxidant found in apple skins, grapes, berries and red wine. "How do you like them apples," says Armstrong at the close of the ad, shown here. Thanks to a scene from "Good Will Hunting" (short version here, longer version showing complete context here),  I can't help but laugh whenever I hear that line uttered. Weights & Pulleys created the ad, and C-Media handled the media buy.

Eric Clapton is the latest musician appearing in ads for T-Mobile myTouch. This time around, the brand is releasing a limited-edition3G Fender phone that comes preloaded with Clapton songs, such as "Layla," "My Father's Eyes," "Rock 'N' Roll Heart" and "Wonderful Tonight." The ad features Clapton demonstrating how to use his Fender phone by pulling up his collection of albums and concert videos. The ad ends with Clapton taking a call from Buddy Guy. Watch the ad here, created by Publicis in the West.

Random iPhone App of the week: It's not butter it's Parkaaaay. Parkay launched an app using a voice-to-animation technology to bring the brand's "Talking Tub" to life. The software commands the Talking Tub to say "Parkaaaay" and "moo" when a user says words like "butter" or "milk." The Parkay Talking Tub was first used in TV ads in 1973. If you remember the ads and the tagline, the app is sure to be a trip down memory lane. Rawle Murdy and Creaceed created the app, available for free at the App Store.

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