NEW! Kim Kardashian Pokes Fun At Herself, Laughs All The Way To The Bank, In T-Mobile Super Bowl Ad

t-mobileLove her or hate her, Kim Kardashian is laughing all the way to the bank at the end of the day. T-Mobile hired her for its Super Bowl ad campaign, where Kardashian plays a spokesperson for a mock PSA. I wonder what percentage of big game viewers would rather sit through a real PSA from Save the Children or ASPCA than Kardashian's faux one? Kardashian's PSA brings attention to a serious mobile condition: unused data that consumers pay for. She wants consumers to use their data before they lose it by following her on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook for a look at her best assets, captured in photos. T-Mobile allows consumers to save their unused data for up to a year. See the ad here, created by Publicis Seattle.

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