NEW! Pizza Hut Introduces Interesting 'Bragspeople' In TV, Radio Campaign

Pizza Hut launched a TV and radio campaign dubbed "No One Out-Pizzas the Hut," starring a series of unique "Bragspeople" who can't get enough of the brand. The first spot features a homesick alien who toots Pizza Hut's modest horn. The adorable creature is friendly, polite, misses his home planet and loves pizza, especially Pizza Hut's grilled-cheese stuff crust pizza. He eats away his sorrows until earthlings figure out interstellar travel and send him home.

Next, there's a man in a full body cast, having survived a near-death experience, describing his love of Pizza Hut, along with other items he plans to add to his bucket list. Think learn Russian, listen to jazz, take up needlework or make dessert wine. The only thing this man needs now is someone to feed him some pizza. Droga5 created the campaign.

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