Coins of Hope Places Missing Kid On Currency

This campaign is an updated version of placing the pictures of missing children on milk cartons. For the first time, a missing child's face will be placed on actual currency.

Child Focus, an organization in Belgium, teamed up with Wunderman/These Days to print Liam Vandenbranden’s face — missing for 20 years in Belgium — on one million eurocoins as a symbol of hope for all missing kids. It took two years get approval from the Ministry of Finance and all European countries.

The "Coins of Hope" are real money, with initial distribution taking place via the LIDL supermarket chain in Belgium, where the coins will be distributed into the checkout system. The campaign site gives the locations of the coin changeovers and transactions to show how the currency spreads throughout Belgium and Europe. The public is encouraged to post pictures when coins change hands, using the hashtag #CoinsofHope.

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