'Hoodies For Homeless' Goes Global

The Havas network is "leveraging all its power" to support the Hoodies for the Homeless project developed by Havas employee and musician Tavis Eaton.

Two years ago Eaton approached Havas with an idea to bring awareness to the issue of homelessness by launching an internal hoodies collection project in the New York office.  Eaton staged a music performance at the office. Employees attending the event brought a hoodie to be donated to the homeless. And Havas matched each hoodie donation with an additional $50.

The event was deemed a big success—so much so that Havas and Arnold Worldwide are now sponsoring an international tour that will include Eaton, his group PushMethod and other musicians and groups.

The tour kicked off at Arnold's office in Boston on Sept. 19. The tour will visit Havas agencies in NYC, LA, Paris, Amsterdam, London, Dublin, and Dusseldorf.

At each city, the musicians will first perform at Havas' offices for the employees and then do an event open to the public.  

Hoodies for the Homeless has collected almost 40,000 hoodies since its launch. “We believe in the positive impact that people have when they get together to help each other," stated Pam Hamlin, global president, Arnold Worldwide. 

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