Manhattan Mini Storage Stories

Manhattan Mini Storage and agency Concept Farm are out with a new campaign as the brand turns 40. 

The “Mini storage. Maximum you” effort comes to life through two creative executions: the "Manhattan Mini Stories" content series and the launch of the “Storage Guru.”

The Storage Guru is designed to represent a long-time customer who has achieved "storage nirvana" and provides his advice through sage one-line messages.

Some ads in the new campaign poke fun at the Trump Administration. Running across billboards, other OOH ads, digital and social spots, messages include "We're all for cleaning out cabinets, but seriously, Donald?" and "Spacious 2BR with 4 huge closets. Fake News!"

The Manhattan Mini Stories content series recreates four customer experiences where professional help is needed. In one story a lifelong comic book collection is pantomimed by Broken Box Mime Theater. 

These videos appear as local 30-second television commercials and will be used in digital and social executions supported by still photography as well as both shorter- and longer-form video units.


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