Samsung, Boys+Girls Create Dublin-To-Sydney "Connected" Pop-Up Restaurant

Samsung Ireland is hosting what it calls the world's first "connected restaurant" that uses technology to enable families split between Ireland and Sydney, Australia the opportunity to eat together. 

The land of Oz ranks as one of the top destinations for Irish-born nationals to emigrate to, often only outnumbered by residents from the UK.

The pop-up, developed with creative shop Boys+Girls and production studio UNIT9, uses multiple high-definition cameras and targeted microphones that are synced instantaneously and relayed to the latest Samsung screens to ensure that the diners are connected as though they were seated at the same table. One of these specially-designed restaurants will be located on Clarendon Street in Dublin which will be connected to an eatery at Holt St, Surry Hills in Sydney.

Diners will be served a three-course meal, aided with a bespoke photo booth that enables participants in both locales to have their picture taken together in real time.

Complimentary reservations have been quickly snapped up. Guests reserved enough tables at to fill the four-day experience for three straight months. 

Boys+Girls will be launching a brand film featuring the best moments from the restaurant on December 17th.




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