
Out to Launch

Crazy brides. Have a "Love Affair" with baseball. Sheraton shares different greetings with the same message. Let's launch!

I love baseball, so it's a given that I love this ad. Chevrolet has launched an updated version of a 1970s ad that sang about the things Americans love: baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet. The ad includes original footage from the 1974 spot along with added lingo unheard of in the 70's: Satellite radio? Camera phones? Rally monkeys? The spot concludes with the tagline, "Chevy. Baseball's #1 Fan." The ad will bewitch baseball lovers and non-baseball fans alike. I was excited to see Mr. Met make an appearance, not so much with the Johnny Damon in pinstripes cameo. The original commercial, "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet," aired from 1974 to 1978 and was created by Campbell-Ewald. "Love Affair" launched July 1 on Fox and July 2 on ESPN in advance of last night's All-Star Game. In addition to the TV spots, the campaign includes inserts in Sports Illustrated and USA Today, online ads on, and, outdoor, and in-stadium components. Deutsch Los Angeles created the campaign and GM Planworks handled the media buying. Click here to watch "Love Affair."

Mountain Dew launched its latest ad, "Master," during the Dew Action Sports Tour at the end of June. The ad follows a man who's searching for knowledge to a remote monastery, where men are training to become proficient in hand slapping, that game where someone holds his hand above yours, and the object is to slap his hand before he moves it away. We watch the vigorous, "Karate Kid"-esque training endured by the young man, but in the end, he cannot best the "Master." The ad is airing during the Summer X-Games and on NBC, USA, MTV, BET, Spike, G4, and Fuse. BBDO New York created the campaign and OMD handled the media buying. Click here to watch "Master."

The WTC Memorial Foundation Campaign has launched a pro bono campaign in an effort to raise the remaining $170 million needed to build the memorial and museum. The TV spot shows real items used to pay tribute to loved ones, from a Green Bay jersey, to a poem and stuffed animal. We watch loved ones heartbreakingly take the objects from home and walk them to a memorial that's been erected. Print ads show actual images from memorials built after the attacks. TBWA/Chiat/Day created the outdoor, TV, radio, and print campaign. PHD is handling the media planning and is handling the online marketing. Ads are running on FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, Lifetime, History Channel, A&E, CW stations and in print publications such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, Newsday, The New York Observer, and Time Out New York, to name a few.

Sheraton has launched a $20 million global campaign that includes the 30-second spot "Greetings." The ad shows people of all ages from around the world--and the different ways they greet one another, from a passionate kiss, a tip of a hat, a high-five or a handshake. The heartwarming ad is running on A&E, ESPN, HGTV, and E!. "The greetings are different. The need to feel welcome is the same. You don't just stay here. You belong," concludes the ad, which has the Pat Benatar song, "We Belong" in the background. Deutsch created the campaign and MediaVest handled the media buying. Click here to watch "Greetings."

Microsoft's latest version of its IM service, Windows Live Messenger, comes packed with extras from a small movie you might not be familiar with, "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest." Users that download the latest version are given access to exclusive scenes from the movie, display images, Winks, "Pirates of the Caribbean"-related backgrounds, and a game called "Dead Man's Tale." The game brings players onboard the crew of the Black Pearl, first playing alone and then with a friend. The further players advance, the more details about the "Dead Man's Chest"storyline are revealed, courtesy of game narrator Billy Bones, who has come to life. The end result is an exclusive film clip from "Dead Man's Chest." The "Dead Man's Tale" game was created by 42 Entertainment.

It's left versus right in four spots that recently launched for Checkers restaurants. The ads promote various products on the menu, while simultaneously pitting the left-side drive-thru window against the right side. "Salsa" shows that the left-side window's advantage is playing salsa music for customers. "Employee of the month" shows the dueling windows naming the same man as their employee of the month. "Rap Cat" shows a rapping cap--yes, you read correctly--as the left side's incentive. "Bobby" promotes the movie "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" with a life-sized cut-out poster of Ricky Bobby on the left-side drive-thru. Amalgamated created the campaign and media planning was handled in-house.

The running of the bulls has got nothing on these women. Promoting its third season of "Bridezilla," Women's Entertainment, with the help of radio station WPLJ, gathered a group of wild brides-to-be for "The Running of the Brides." Sadly, the "Runaway Bride" was unable to make an appearance. The women donned wedding gowns, protective gear and bullhorns and ran down a custom-built track and over a frosting-covered climbing wall to win $25,000 towards their weddings. This is "Double Dare" for adults. The stunt was created by the michael alan group.

Keeping with those monstrous brides-to-be, the WE network partnered with ka-chew! to create a Web and broadcast campaign promoting "Bridezilla's" third season. Nine animated Webisodes and an on-air spot examine the life of 29-year-old bride-to-be Kate Adams with an entertaining look into the ins and outs of planning a wedding--from the proposal up to the ceremony. The Webisodes can be found on and are now are being shown on the WE network.

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