
Out to Launch

Say hello to the female version of Dog the bounty hunter. McDonald's salads take a walk on the Southwest side. You couldn't clog a Kohler toilet, even if you tried. Let's launch!

This site was clearly created for people like me who cannot make armpit fart noises. Mitchum created the Mitchum Armpit Orchestra, where visitors can create and record unique Armpit Orchestra songs or learn how to play the likes of "Take Me out to the Ball Game," "99 Bottles of Beer," "Happy Birthday" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." The site promotes Mitchum Smart Solid deodorant, designed to banish white residue from clothes. If you don't want to receive "sour notes" from Orchestra members, click and drag the deodorant to those members who have white underarm residue. When the members point at themselves it almost looks like they're flipping you off. Carat Fusion created the site and concept.

Kohler launched a hat trick of great ads last month that I can't get enough of. Let's start with my favorite ad, "Existential Dilemma." Speaking in French (with English subtitles), two detectives are arranging to leave a package for an intended target behind a toilet. But one of the detectives encounters a problem. "How do you hide something behind a toilet when you don't know where the front is?" he asks. To which the existential detective responds, "Exactly." Watch the ad here. "Jo's Plumbing" stars a hot female plumber en route to a job. Seeing this vision with a tool belt, a man hustles back to his house to clog his toilet. He starts with paper and ups the ante with toiletries, lingerie, candles and flowers. The spot ends with his wife watching him dump dogfood down the can. Still no clog. Click here to watch the ad. Jo even has her own Web site where visitors can try to clog their own toilets. Even the marbles go down! A woman's hairstyle goes from bad to worse in "Hair." Everyone seems to notice, except the woman, who's in a daze. She's so enamored with her Kohler sink that she doesn't realize she's burning chunks of her hair off via curling iron. Click here to watch the ad.GSD&M created the campaign and Starcom handled the media buy.

Even this non-Yankees fan can enjoy the latest "This is SportsCenter" spot that launched Sunday on ESPN networks. "Betrayal" features Boston Red Sox DH David Ortiz and SportsCenter anchor Stan Verrett making fun of New York Yankees catcher Jorge Posada's baseball hat, which looks brand new. Ortiz tells Posada his cap needs to be broken in, so Ortiz puts the cap on just as "Wally the Green Monster" mascot walks by, dropping his papers in shock. Watch the ad here.Wieden + Kennedy New York created the ad.

WE tv launched a TV, print, outdoor and online campaign to promote its new series "Wife, Mom, Bounty Hunter," that debuts Friday. One TV spot shows bounty hunter Sandra Scott explaining to her teenage daughter's date what she can do with a stun gun. Watch the ad here. Another ad shows that Mom always has time to talk to her children, no matter what's she's in the middle of doing. Click here to watch the ad. Print ads show a child's drawing of a family portrait, complete with criminal. See the ad here. TV ads are running on national and spot cable; print is running in People, Life&Style and InTouch, among others; and online ads can be found on,, and Filter created the campaign and MediaStorm handled media buying and planning.

Shorts with a built-in fighting harness? I'm aroused. Old Harbor Outfitters launched a print campaign this month in consumer magazines that promotes its state-of-the-art harness for salt-water fishermen. "Because there's no time to wait once a big one pulls out of the station," reads the ad that shows a man reeling in a locomotive. Click here to see the ad.VogtGoldstein created the campaign and handled the media buy.

McDonald's launched a TV, print, radio and online campaign yesterday to promote its new Southwest Salad. And it doesn't look half bad, although my blood sugar is dropping as I type, so I'm not sure who's talking. Dancers morph into salad ingredients such as peppers, tomatoes and crunchy tortilla strips in the ad, while the voiceover compares the ingredients to personality traits: "Crunchy tortilla strips match my snappy attitude." Watch the ad here. The print ad is similar, showing side-by-side people/food comparisons. Click here to see the ad.DDB Chicago created the campaign and OMD handled the media buy.

Do all the doors you open always lead to the bathroom? Imodium EZ Chews is your solution. That way, the next door you open is to something fun, like a party! Watch the ad here. There's also a print component that creates pictures of an airplane, car tire wheels and people sitting in a movie theatre -- all  from toilet paper. Click here, here and here to see the ads. Deutsch created the campaign and Universal McCann handled the media buy.

AT&T launched an ethereal ad this month where "Band Posters" come to life. The ad promotes a partnership with AT&T and Napster offering unlimited music downloads for a year to consumers who buy high-speed Internet and wireless. Click here to see the ad.GSD&M created the campaign and handled the media buying.

This ad ran just once last year in Beauty Store Business magazine -- and I'm sure that was all it needed to make an impression. Betty Beauty, to quote the ad, is "color for your hair down there." There are five colors to choose from: brown, blonde, black, auburn and pink. "Get your betty ready," says the ad, created in-house. Click here to see the ad.

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