
Out to Launch

Fishing. October baseball. Migrating NFL players. Let's launch!

Planet Green is here and keeping tabs on your carbon footprints, people! OK, maybe just Ed Begley, Jr.'s. The new network launched a set of four TV spots running on all Discovery-owned channels. I'd give two ads a green thumbs-up; the other two reek of carbon-smelling feet. "Beach" is a keeper. In it, a man with a solar panel on his crotch discovers a group of sunbathing ladies. It's just his way of giving back, and giving new meaning to the term hot pants. See the ad here. "Prison" ads are basically a guaranteed hit. Prisoners show off their homemade shivs crafted from older, unused instruments. Watch the ad here. Ludacris and Tommy Lee argue about who's more eco-friendly. All I remember from the ad is that Tommy Lee abstains from showering. I didn't need Planet Green to tell me that. Click here to watch. A woman ditches her clothes in an effort to stay cool and use less air conditioning. Too bad the man behind her at the bank doesn't appreciate her eco-contribution. Watch the ad here. Amalgamated created the campaign and media buying was handled in-house.

The Looking Glass Foundation, a nonprofit organization in Canada aiming to create a residential center to treat young people with eating disorders, launched a series of PSAs educating Canadians about the severity of eating problems. Running in British Columbia and Canada, one TV spot features a teen backed against a wall and penciling in her measurements. She's tracking her monthly weight loss and getting smaller and smaller. Watch the ad here. "Not every suicide note looks like a suicide note," is the tag line of the multimedia campaign, which also features broken toothbrushes in plastic bags and individual stories about girls forcing themselves to vomit and choking on a broken toothbrush. Just reading it made me want to gag. See creative here. DDB Canada created the campaign.

Trek Bicycles launched two TV ads during the Tour de France that make me want to ride. "Believe" shows Trek riders young and old as a famous voiceover describes things that riders believe in. "We believe in long rides and the stories they bring. We believe in simplicity and idea that complex problems can be solved in a simple way," says Lance Armstrong, who makes an appearance at the conclusion of both ads. "Best" -- which features Trek-sponsored cyclists who have won the Tour de France, Tour of California and Grio d'Italia over the past 10 years -- isn't as motivating to me as "Believe."  See the ads here and here. Hanson Dodge Creative created the campaign and media buying was handled in-house.

Major League Baseball teamed up with FOX and TBS to launch its largest postseason ad campaign, entitled "There's Only One October." The campaign bowed during the Home Run Derby, and initial elements star actor/baseball fan Rick Gonzalez blogging about October baseball as memorable post-season highlights come to life behind him. Although the Mets don't have as many rings as that other New York team, they make an appearance or two in the ads, seen here and here. Just don't blink, or you'll miss their cameos. Future spots will feature FOX and TBS personalities Jeff Foxworthy and Frank Caliendo. McCann Erickson created the campaign.

Reebok launched a TV spot called "Migration" starring 20 NFL stars. Since football is not baseball, it's lucky that I recognized Peyton and Eli Manning. But I digress. The ad features players during the off-season, lounging by the pool, mowing the lawn, fishing, yet all coming together in formation en route to their destination: their respective stadiums. I love the shot of Eli Manning leading the Giants across the Brooklyn Bridge. "Join the Migration," concludes the ad, seen here. Mcgarrybowen created the campaign and Carat handled the media buy.

Ardent Outdoors launched a print campaign targeting weekend anglers who view fishing not as recreation, but serious competition. The campaign aims to establish Ardent as a high-quality brand that knows its audience. "Armor plated. Like your will to win," reads one ad, seen here. "A reel that works as hard as your adrenal gland," says another ad featuring an underwater view and one reel. Click here, here and here to see the ads, running in Bassmaster, Bass Times, North American Fisherman and Heartland Trails. Rodgers Townsend created the campaign and handled the media buy.

The Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation revamped its brand because people that love to fish, simply weren't. Time for some motivation. The campaign speaks to anglers young and old, pros and novices, encouraging them to boat, fish and visit the newly designed The site contains more than 2,500 pages of content, including "Fishopedia," an ideal place for a non-angler like me to get a quick tutorial. Print ads, running in Popular Mechanics and Camping Life magazines, among others, feature a boat full of fishermen in the background, reeling in a framed picture of the happy crew and their prized catch. See the ads here, here and here, created by Colle+McVoy.

Nike launched a comprehensive Web site deemed as its "home of innovation" for the Beijing 2008 Olympic games. Nike Lab features interviews with athletes from 26 Olympic sports and Nike product designers, as well as products with game-changing technologies. Being a runner, I was quite fascinated by Nike's Pre Cool vest, which uses tap water as a coolant to aid long-distance runners throughout unbearably hot runs. I wonder how much those cost... AKQA created the site.

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