• Are You Ready For Some (More Streaming Options To Watch) Football?
    Hear that big resounding "thud" over the weekend? That was the sound of greed landing on the heads of millions of NFL fans forced to subscribe to Peacock.
  • Greetings From The Great White (Freezing) North
    There's a weird sort of bonding that happens when the weather becomes the common enemy. So, is there a different sense of community in places with really cold winters?
  • Notifications: Wasting My Precious Time
    Over the holidays, I sent a bunch of gifts via UPS -- which led me into a Kafkaesque hell designed to over-notify and under-serve at the same time.
  • The Brutal Facts Of The World As It Is
    Practicing the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of our current reality requires listening to the stories of our antagonists -- and really hearing them.
  • 6 Top Takeaways From CES 2024
    For one: Overcrowded markets, overinflated valuations and pumped-up compensation structures are all conspiring to make companies focus on profitability and cash flow,
  • What I Wish For The Industry -- And Society -- In The New Year
    Here' a resolution I hope the modern world is forced to adopt: Start looking up. I don't mean that figuratively, but literally.
  • A Look Back At 2023 From The 'Inside'
    It probably comes as no surprise that artificial intelligence was the number-one topic we Media Insiders explored in 2023.
  • The Future Of Autosapiens, AI That Learns And Evolves
    My reaction to new AI systems that can learn autonomously and make complex judgments? Both "yay" and "yikes!"
  • Celebrity Spokespeople: Buyer, Beware
    If you are a marketer and tap anyone on my list of overused celebs, you're mostly enhancing their brand stature, not your own.
  • AI Will Make Websites And Apps Go Away: Are You Ready?
    AI models will "leapfrog" any prestructured content or utilities from others in the process, meaning most ecommerce sites and apps are just intermediaries about to be dis-intermediated.
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