
Dove Chocolate Employs AI To Help Moms Returning To Workforce



Mars’ Dove chocolate brand launched a Mother’s Day campaign promising to make things a little easier for moms looking to return to the workforce following a “Mommy Gap” taking time off to focus on raising children

The “Mom Experience Translator” AI tool promises to translate "mom skills to job skills,” as part of a broader brand focus on celebrating the “promise of moms.”

Dove shared details about using the tool on its website and social channels in time for Mother’s Day. Interested moms can submit open job descriptions  and select from a pre-populated list of skills,  accomplishments, and expertise areas related to parenting. In turn, the tool will translate these submissions into the types of job skills recruiters and hiring managers are seeking.

 "Dove has long been a brand that empowers and uplifts women," Mars Wrigley CMO Gabrielle Wesley said in a statement, adding that the Mother’s Day campaign aims to “provide additional support and highlight the incredible strength, power and excellence moms bring to the table in all aspects of life."

The approach stems from a very real issue. Sixty-one percent of people who report having experienced a 12-month employment gap are women (who are also more likely to act as caregivers to older relatives), compared to 38.9% of men, according to a 2021 JobList survey. Such gaps in employment can prove an impediment to landing a job, due to employer bias and other issues. A 2018 Harvard Business Review article discussed a study that found mothers who experienced a career gap due to taking time off for parenting were around half as likely to get callbacks for interviews from employers as women who had an employment gap of the same length due to unemployment.

The brand is also offering to give moms a little financial help, as well. A promotional sweepstakes, beginning May 10, that will award 10 mothers an opportunity to win $1,000 each by using the “Mom Experience Translator” in their career pursuits. Dove is also promising to donate $10,000 to an unspecified charity organization dedicated to helping women return to the workplace.



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