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Bob Garfield, former editor at large for MediaPost, is a long-time public radio personality who currently hosts Booksmart Studios' "Bully Pulpit" podcast. A 30-plus-year commentator on media and marketing, he is co-host of public radio's Peabody Award-winning “On the Media” program; senior fellow at Wharton Future of Advertising Program, SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management; founder of the Media Future Summit and author of five books.

Articles by Bob All articles by Bob

  • Conchita, A Song! in MediaDailyNews on 05/22/2024

    At 72, John Wolfe still looked like an altar boy - the world's tallest altar boy - with short, straight blond hair and a mischievous grin. John was more Irish than a pint of stout, and a proud native Chicagoan. The Cubs. The Cubbies. Wrigley Field. Jesus, he was insufferable. Also reliable.

  • The Bully Pulpit Project: Genius Glut Redux in MediaDailyNews on 10/21/2021

    In this, the first in a series of dispatches socializing "The Bully Pulpit Project," Bob Garfield returns to where the problem was first identified: his 2014 MediaPost column "Genius Glut."

  • Saving The World Is Hard -- So Is Conference Organizing in MediaDailyNews on 10/25/2017

    As the media economy was increasingly blown to bits by the digital revolution, with the very existence of journalism hanging in the balance, The Media Future Summit was born. But the irony isn't lost -- trying to save journalism with an off-the-record event.

  • Much Adieu About Nothing in Garfield at Large on 05/22/2017

    So this is my swan song. Naturally, I have gone back to review what has gone on in this space over the course of 200 columns.

  • A Modest Proposal in Garfield at Large on 05/15/2017

    Amid steep audience declines, prime-time shows that were deemed ratings failures a few years ago suddenly look like going propositions. Meh is the new wow.

  • The Funnest Facebook Quiz Ever! in Garfield at Large on 05/08/2017

    Take this easy, super-fun quiz. It's so simple -- and a hoot to share with your Friends and the vendors of every app in your phone! Just fill in the blanks.

  • I, Bobot in Garfield at Large on 05/01/2017

    Dude, I have a bot -- a digital slave who answers questions, directs inquiries and offers all kinds of really useful information about me.

  • Insta-Escorts in Garfield at Large on 04/24/2017

    Reality TV figures, YouTube stars, recording artists and others with huge followings among Millennials use their social media platforms as paid shills for brands, without disclosing the quid pro quo. This is not a matter of a few isolated bad actors.

  • My Hero, Donald Trump in Garfield at Large on 04/17/2017

    The paradox is almost dizzying: we need a healthy press as a watchdog of democracy, and that press is being revived by interest in a regime doing everything in its power to dismantle democracy.

  • GenerationVexed in Garfield at Large on 04/10/2017

    It's time for a gut check. There are those who saw the spot as somehow exploitative and/or trivializing of serious social issues, such as racial justice, religious freedom, women's rights, police brutality and abuse of super-slow motion. Once again -- in hindsight -- these are fair points. But this was not a failure of strategy.

Comments by Bob All comments by Bob

  • Garfield At A Little Less Large by Joe Mandese (RTBlog on 10/18/2021)

    Douglas Ferguson,Tik Tok teasers.  Hmm. We have video of every recording session. Will investigate!

  • Garfield At A Little Less Large by Joe Mandese (RTBlog on 10/18/2021)

    Jim Meskauskas, presumably my sweet spot is listeners of public radio, where I toiled for 30+ years. Because I've been radicalized as an anti-Republican, I guess there are those who like to hear (or believe they hear) their worldviews validated. Even though I make a bona fide argument on every issue I address, there is probably a significant opportunity in lefties who want to hear their free-floating misgivings articulated in words and coherent ideas. We have thousands listeners now; the trick it to get 10s of thousands.  Our ratings on iTunes are astonishing in their praise (54 out of 59 are 5 stars), but thin on scale (Yes, after 3 months, only 59 ratings)   

  • Garfield At A Little Less Large by Joe Mandese (RTBlog on 10/18/2021)

    Nicholas Fiekowsky, I certainly understand the concept of marketplace evaluation to see where the opportunity is.  But this is one time the cart cannot push the horse. The product is my voice, and that isn't subject to change. If the holes are round and the Bob peg is square, I've got no interest in shaving the edges down. So I guess I have to find me some square holes.

  • GenerationVexed by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 04/10/2017)

    I never imagined this would be necessary, but THIS IS NOT A LEAKED MEMO. IT IS PRETEND. 

  • The 'So Called' Advertisers Talk Back by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 02/06/2017)

    Absolutely Chris. You are, as always, my guiding light. Henceforce, no opinionating in my opinion column.Bob

  • The 'So Called' Advertisers Talk Back by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 02/06/2017)

    "Just folks looking for a change" the expense of other folks.  Everything he is doing, everything he is, was on full display before Election Day.  Those 30 million people should think very hard about what they said "yes" to.  Take responsibility. You broke it, you bought it.  But the American Way is what's being smashed in front of our eyes, and we're all left to pick up the pieces.

  • New Year's Resolution: A Schnorrer No More by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 01/03/2017)

    I will never get over it. I don't wish to get over it. Getting over it is to accept the worst in politics and human behavior.  Getting over it is cowardice.  Getting over it is surrender.

  • Versailles Of Belief by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 11/28/2016)

    Harry Hutt,Thank you for your thoughtful, eloquent renarks.You are Exhibit A.BG

  • Versailles Of Belief by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 11/28/2016)

    Gary Dennis,Who said anything about death camps? This is about the conditions, and template, for fascism. That is not a prediction of a holocaust. But  shall we just wait to see what happens?Not me. BG

  • Versailles Of Belief by Bob Garfield (Garfield at Large on 11/28/2016)

    Tom, So we're clear here, many Trump voters responded to exactly the same stimulI as Weimar voters who brought Hitler to power.Among them, a minority of avowed Nazis, racists, misogynists.Bob 

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