NEW! Netflix And List? A Comical Look At Binge-Watching

Quite the opposite of "Netflix and Chill" takes place in "The List," the latest ad for Netflix. Like the end of a relationship, the conclusion of a binge-watching session leaves one with mixed emotions. What will you do now? Can you rush right into a new binge-watching relationship? Do you watch the first show you can think of? Of course not. That's exactly one woman's dilemma in "The List." She's devastated when her latest binge-worthy obsession comes to an end. Her best guy friend tries to cheer her up by naming movies, TV shows and documentaries whenever they hang out. Nothing helps. She's depressed and merely going through the motions of life. Until one day, at Happy Hour, the woman perks up and asks the name of the FIRST show the guy mentioned. And that's her next binge-watching relationship. See it here, created by TBWA.
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