Horror Movie Trailer Or Car Ad?

What begins as a trailer for a horror movie is actually an ad for the 2016 Chevrolet Malibu and Cruze vehicles. Any horror movie lover almost instinctively wants to yell at the main character who always turns a corner to find trouble waiting. The same happens in this 60-second spot. A woman enters an abandoned house, where ghostly shadows await. Despite her trepidation, the woman continues through the house and is about to open a door when voices tell her to stop and leave the house. She isn't crazy, it's the theatergoers warning her of trouble. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a warning before bad things happen?" asks the trailer. A shot of the two 2016 Chevrolet models close out the ad, helping drivers avoid danger on the road. Watch it here, created by Commonwealth//McCann and directed by Sam Raimi.
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