
Agency Launches Wildlife Documentary-Style #Adlife Web Series

Winston-Salem-based ad agency The Variable has launched a web series entitled The Adland Adventures. The series, billed as "a mostly comedic expedition through the wild advertising wilderness; guaranteed to produce feelings of joy, happiness and/or post traumatic stress," currently has six episodes.

Of the genesis behind the series, The Variable Chief Creative Officer Joe Parrish said, “We were adlibbing ridiculous jargon and all-too-familiar adlife scenarios over footage of animals in the wild one afternoon, and it quickly escalated into a joke we had to share. The series makes light of the universal truths that exist within advertising – the good, the bad, and the ugly – making it an inside joke for ad folks.”

Basically the series consists of short videos of wildlife documentary-style footage dubbed over with advertising-isms. Season 1 features Lawyer Cheetahs, an Eavesdropping Elk and a Cobra’s Perilous Emails.

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