
How Much Progress Has Adland Made On The Gender Equality Front?

Remember that Pitbull performance at the Advertising Week wrap party this fall in New York?

He was singing along with a group of scantily clad, twerking and gyrating backup dancers. It caused quite a stir, as you'll recall.

The New York Times used the Pitbull affair to kick off a big story in its business section Monday asserting that despite all the lip service paid by the industry to cleaning up its act, it is still rife with sexism and continues to sideline and stereotype women. 

While there’s not a lot of new information in the piece, it’s still an apt reminder as the industry puts together its to-do list for 2020. There is much more work to do on the gender-equality front. 

If you’re in the business, you’ll recognize a lot of the names quoted in the piece. The online version can be read here.



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