Advertising on YouTube? Here's Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Baby Boomers
    Baby boomers have higher view rates and click-through rates than millennials on YouTube. They're also more engaged, and spend more than their younger counterparts.
    How to Produce Winning Award Submissions and Avoid Embarrassing Your Brand
    Tips for CMOs to Share, From a Weary Industry Awards Judge
    Generation Z Under Academic Pressure
    In the age of globalization, it's no surprise Generation Z members feel pressure about what to be when they grow up. They are also acutely aware of the state of many Millennials who are paying off large amounts of student debt and working in jobs paying less than they had anticipated.
    Using Data To Reach The Multicultural Shopper
    Over the next few years, the retail landscape will change in some very fundamental ways. None of these changes will be bigger than the impact felt from the rise of the multicultural shopper.
    AI And The Frontier Of Creative Community
    How can machines best accelerate uniquely human design?
    The NFL Has Entered The Culture War: Is Your Brand Next?
    A recent article published by the New York Times highlights the increasing role brands are playing in our escalating culture wars, with the NFL finding itself as the latest brand on the frontlines.
    Rethinking The Luxury Experience In A Hyper-connected World
    Let's face it. Reaching consumers, in general and reaching affluent consumers, in particular, is becoming more and more challenging. The McCarthy Group notes that 36% of high-income consumers feel they are constantly followed by advertising online. Even more concerning is a finding that 84% of Millennials don't trust advertising.
    What Is A Millennial?
    There is not one simple definition so there is not one simple strategy to reach them, and connect.
    Traditional Marketing Automation Is Shortchanging Its Customers
    Marketing automation makes it easy for companies to streamline certain repetitive marketing tasks like emails and social media. However, many traditional marketing automation models only allow for email nurturing, which ends up shortchanging your customers by not allowing for the type of nurturing they need to really connect with your business and make a purchasing decision.
    OK On AI And VR?
    Even as marketers are figuring out how to maximize mobile, here come more innovations speeding down the technology highway: artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR). It seems business travelers think these innovations are generally positive.
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