The Dog Days Are Over: Summer’s Heating Up For CTV Advertisers

Wednesday May 29th, 2024 - 2:00 PM

For years, the summer doldrums meant lazing by the pool, no new shows, and a lull in advertising efforts. And while that first one is never going away, it’s the other two that have changed dramatically. Today, savvy advertisers are using the long-forgotten, late-summer season to launch sizzling campaigns and generate holiday-sized impacts mid-year. And with new tools and strategies, replicating these successes is easier than getting a sunburn at the beach.

Join MNTN as they look at how CTV flipped the “summer lull” script and is heating up ad campaigns. We’ll break down which industries and brands have been finding summer success, give data-backed insights on winning performance plays, and share everything you need to make this a summer to remember.

Jessica DeLeon, seasoned Account Director within Customer Success at MNTN with a wealth of experience working with diverse clientele ranging from SMBs to Fortune 500 companies across various industries. Jessica's expertise lies in fostering strong relationships and implementing innovative, comprehensive solutions that deliver maximum impact. Beyond her professional pursuits at MNTN, Jessica's life is delightful chaos as she navigates the joys of parenthood with three preschoolers (including twins), accompanied by two energetic dogs and one cat.
