
Bold & Empathetic: Prerequisites of Adore Me's Entrepreneurial CMO

Behind the Scenes with Chloé Chanudet

Adore Me's Chloé Chanudet talks affordable sustainability, solving problems and why she doesn't like following a to-do list.

I've had the opportunity to connect with and learn from executives of major brands at MediaPost's Insider Summits. In the process I've discovered some truly impressive women, and not only for the work they do but their stories behind the scenes. With Brand Insider: BTS, I get to pull back the curtain on some of the most influential women marketers as they talk about their path to success: the twists and turns, obstacles, inspirations and the valuable lessons learned along the way.

“I've always been part risk taker, a bit impulsive…so actually never felt it was crazy until you know years later, and I look back, and I'm like oh my God.” It’s that bold mindset that had Chloé Chanudet studying abroad in Brazil at 19, interning in China after college and joining a 10-employee, lingerie start-up, who’s goal was “to go after Victoria Secret!” In this episode of Brand Insider: BTS, the AdoreMe CMO talks with me about what motivated these choices and continues to drive her today. She also talks fashion inclusivity, food blogging and what she really wants for Valentine’s Day. You can watch the video of the entire conversation here.



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