Monday, 04/07
8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Registration & Check-In
8:30 AM ET
8:30 AM ET
Continental Breakfast & Networking
9:15 AM ET
9:15 AM ET
Opening Remarks
- MC
- Joe Mandese, Editor-in-Chief, MediaPost @jmandese
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Upfront 2025-2026
TV's upfront advertising market period tries another tune this season -- one where a chorus of new currencies, increased flexibilities, and innovative cross-platform business outcome guarantees have become pressing mantras. What really will make it to the bottomline as media agencies and TV networks search for common ground? Legacy TV-media measures could hold back the size and scope of these transitions. We look for answers.
- Moderator
- Wayne Friedman, West Coast Editor, MediaPost
- PanelistS
- Tim Hill, Chief Partnerships Officer, U.S., Initiative
- David Sederbaum, Chief Investment Officer, iProspect
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Sponsor Spotlight & Coffee Break
10:45 AM ET
10:45 AM ET
Upfront 2029-2030
What will the “post-currency” era of upfront marketplaces look like? Tune into a conversation top media buyers and chief investment officers to learn how the not-to-distant future of a converged linear/non-linear TV/video marketplace will evolved based on Big Data, consumer privacy, clean rooms, "certification," and a new frontier of identity resolution methods that will have emerged to replace the upfront’s long-standing “GRP” gold standard and how that will affect the supply-and-demand dynamics of upfront negotiations.
- Moderator
- Joe Mandese, Editor-in-Chief, MediaPost @jmandese
- PanelistS
- David Campanelli, President, Global Investment, Horizon Media
- Cara Lewis, Chief Investment and Activation Officer, dentsu Media US
- Larene Mantel, VP, Strategic Investment, MAGNA
- Paolo Yuvienco, Chief Technology Officer, EVP, Omnicom
12:00 PM ET
12:00 PM ET
Coffee & Networking