April 7, 2025
New York, NY

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Monday, 04/07

8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Registration & Check-In
8:30 AM ET
8:30 AM ET
Continental Breakfast & Networking
9:15 AM ET
9:15 AM ET
Opening Remarks
Joe Mandese, Editor-in-Chief, MediaPost 
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Upfront 2025-2026
TV's upfront advertising market period tries another tune this season -- one where a chorus of new currencies, increased flexibilities, and innovative cross-platform business outcome guarantees have become pressing mantras. What really will make it to the bottomline as media agencies and TV networks search for common ground? Legacy TV-media measures could hold back the size and scope of these transitions. We look for answers.
Wayne Friedman, West Coast Editor, MediaPost 
Tim Hill, Chief Partnerships Officer, U.S., Initiative 
David Sederbaum, Chief Investment Officer, iProspect 
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Sponsor Spotlight & Coffee Break
10:45 AM ET
10:45 AM ET
Upfront 2029-2030
What will the “post-currency” era of upfront marketplaces look like? Tune into a conversation top media buyers and chief investment officers to learn how the not-to-distant future of a converged linear/non-linear TV/video marketplace will evolved based on Big Data, consumer privacy, clean rooms, "certification," and a new frontier of identity resolution methods that will have emerged to replace the upfront’s long-standing “GRP” gold standard and how that will affect the supply-and-demand dynamics of upfront negotiations.
Joe Mandese, Editor-in-Chief, MediaPost 
David Campanelli, President, Global Investment, Horizon Media 
Cara Lewis, Chief Investment and Activation Officer, dentsu Media US 
Larene Mantel, VP, Strategic Investment, MAGNA 
Paolo Yuvienco, Chief Technology Officer, EVP, Omnicom 
12:00 PM ET
12:00 PM ET
Coffee & Networking