April 22 - 25, 2012
Captiva Island, FL

Event Sponsors


Sunday, 04/22

Monday, 04/23

7:00 AM ET
7:00 AM ET
Registration Opens
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
Full Breakfast
8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Day 1: How Voice, Touch, Gesture and Mobile Will Influence Search Engine Marketing
8:45 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
Introductory Remarks
Chris Copeland, CEO, GroupM Next 
9:00 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
Keynote: How Search Automatically Identifies You

Near field communication, a technology supporting Google Wallet, QR codes and other automatic and radio frequency identification technologies have begun to emerge as search tools for advertising and marketing. Liard has followed the progress of these technologies worldwide for more than a decade. Join us as we explore real-world applications, along with projections and possibilities for integrating these technologies with mobile and search engine marketing.

Michael Liard, Director of Automatic Identification Business Practice, VDC Research 
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Presentation: The Future of Voice Search in Engines and Apps

Live from the United Kingdom, True Knowledge CEO William Tunstall-Pedoe tells us the story behind the personal assistant Evi, and what the future holds for voice search across engines and applications, from mobile to cars to Web site search.

William Tunstall-Pedoe, CEO & Founder, True Knowledge Ltd. 
9:45 AM ET
9:45 AM ET
Panel: Search Insider Feud - How Search Changes Your Voice

Join us for a Search Insider spin on the classic Family Feud game show. Our moderator will channel Richard Dawson and lead contestants through three rounds of questions and answers based on actual survey results. Through this innovative format, we will address whether voice search will lead to the end of keywords and how search marketers market in a keyword-less world, and more. Not many can argue the smaller screens and audio inputs make voice a more intuitive and efficient way to navigate through apps and searches. How will voice search and the new crop of digital assistants, such as Siri and Evi, change search marketing, and imperatives for marketers seeking brand integration with the mobile experience.

Aaron Goldman, Chief Marketing Officer, 4C 
Jen Brady, Founder, FRED & Associates 
Ryan Bruss, Manager, Search Engine Marketing, All Star Directories 
Craig Macdonald, Managing Director, Digital Lead for Communications and Media Practice, Accenture 
Alan Osetek, President, Resolution Media 
Stephanie Ridley, SVP, Search Director, Starcom MediaVest Group 
David Rifkin, Vice President of Search, Atrinsic 
10:30 AM ET
10:30 AM ET
Presentation: Looking Consumers In The Eyes

Some might consider gesture and eye tracking emerging methods to make that connection between consumers and machines, but in reality the techniques have been used for years to test and optimize content on landing pages that can increase the length of time a visitor remains on the site or leads to a conversion. Biometric online eye tracking can help advertisers determine the best use of space on social pages by understanding what attracts the eyes of consumers, what makes them click, and what leads them to a store to purchase products; if not now, then later. Learn about the return on investments for social media -- conversions vs. branding -- and how brands can look consumers in the eye to make a better connection.

Jeff Bander, President North America, General Manager, EyeTrackShop 
10:55 AM ET
10:55 AM ET
Panel: Search and the Multiscreen/Input Experience

Will the search industry need new metrics as machines recognize the wave of a hand rather than a keyword in a search box? How will companies attribute conversions across devices from desktops to smartphones to tablets and back again? Join us as we take a look at voice, touch and gesture and some of the challenges facing search marketers as the industry moves with these technologies toward cross-channel attribution across devices.

Paul LaPointe, Business Development & Marketing Director, Rondack Media Group 
Candice Davenport, Membership Development, Online Marketing Manager , AARP  
Suzy Sandberg, President, PM Digital 
Paige Winter, Senior Digital Marketing Account Manager, Google 
11:35 AM ET
11:35 AM ET
Panel: Integrating Marketing Channels: What's Holding Us Back?

Search Marketers live on the forefront of technology and efficiency improvements.  In the new world of cross-channel attribution, search marketers must work closely with other teams across the company to reach their goals.  How will search marketers lead the change to bring true integration to marketing organizations? The panel will discuss aligning goals, integrating data and technology and how to deal with roadblocks.

Janel Laravie, CEO, Chacka Marketing 
Matt Ackley, Director of Media & Platforms, Google 
Roger Barnette, CEO, MessageGears 
Kevin Lee, Chairman and CEO, Didit 
Jim Yu, CEO and Founder, BrightEdge 
12:15 PM ET
12:15 PM ET

Search Changes the Consumer's Voice and Metrics - Facilitator: Frank Lee, Head of Sales, DataPop

Search and the Multi-Screen Experience - Facilitator: Edward Foster, Managing Director, Search, International, Resolution Media.
Integrating Marketing Channels - Facilitator: David Rodnitzky, CEO, PPC Associates

Emerging Technologies and Search Engine on Desktop and Mobile -
Facilitator: Russ Mann, Co-founder & CEO, Covario

1:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
2:15 PM ET
2:15 PM ET

Catamaran Charter
Golf - Captiva Course
Wave Runner

6:30 PM ET
6:30 PM ET

Meet at the T-Dock lawn at 6:30 for cocktails, followed by our cruise on the Lady Chadwick. All aboard at 7:15.

8:30 PM ET
8:30 PM ET
10:00 PM ET
10:00 PM ET

Tuesday, 04/24

7:00 AM ET
7:00 AM ET
Registration Opens
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
Full Breakfast
Day 2: Swimming in Privacy, Data and Analytics
8:45 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
Keynote: Social and Mobile and Clouds, Oh My! When Did Search Become Surveillance?

Data, the key piece that enables search engine optimization and ad targeting to become more effective, remains the biggest thorn in the side of consumer privacy advocates and regulators. Search engine optimization requires data, but as tension continues to foster around who owns the data, what are legal implications of privacy, data protection, location/geo-targeting, cloud-based marketing, and mobile.

Joseph Rosenbaum, Partner & Global Chair, Advertising, Technology & Media Law Practice, Reed Smith LLP 
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Panel: Search + Data: Accelerating the intersection of Keywords and Audiences

What type of technology/infrastructure needs to evolve to package search with data for media targeting? What capabilities are needed? What will marketers expect from these types of companies? What do success metrics look like? How do we scale keyword search?

Damian Garbaccio, Chief Revenue Officer, eXelate 
Luke Coltrin, Director of SEM, Autonation 
Andries de Villiers, Senior Vice President, adMarketplace 
James Green, CEO, Magnetic 
Bryan Simkins, Partner, Technology, Transparent Media Partners 
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Presentation: SEM: The Tension Between Privacy and Innovation

Zillions of acronyms identify data privacy based on FTC, DAA, W3C, NAI and EU guidelines and standards for display and other mediums. But what role do search engine marketers play in the privacy debate, as advertisers place icons in display ads to identify compliance? Most would agree retargeting and keyword segment creation falls under today's online behavioral advertising rules, but as SEMs innovate and integrate social with display and mobile, what privacy concepts should SEMs take to prevent from becoming the next Nebuad or SocialReach? Should the industry become comfortable with Google's, Microsoft's and Yahoo's lead – or should SEMs take a proactive stance to forge a path? As the industry morphs from audience creation to advertiser enablement models, how will privacy rules change? Join an industry privacy expert to explore how privacy concepts play a role in SEM.

Alan Chapell, Principal, Chapell & Associates 
10:45 AM ET
10:45 AM ET
Panel: Big Data, SEO and the Future of Mobile Privacy

Big Data has become the latest buzzword as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others continue to develop models that dig into the numbers making sense of information as it traverses the Internet. Online marketers have begun to see the opportunities and challenges that connecting data sources and campaigns can bring, as they learn to sort, mine and analyze massive amounts. While most marketers are well versed in the metrics of online marketing channels, few leverage the data sources to monitor consumer behavior across all digital marketing channels. Join us as we discuss the implications of Big Data, as well as the impact desktop and mobile privacy will have on organic search. The panel will give marketers practical advice on how to become part marketer, part chief information officer.

Janet Driscoll Miller, President and CEO, Search Mojo 
Seth Dotterer, Vice President, Marketing and Product, Conductor 
Jeffrey Stier, Founder & President, QWiPS 
Will Uppington, Head of Product Development, BloomReach 
11:30 AM ET
11:30 AM ET
Panel: The Challenge of Attribution

Do you know what drives your business? How does your view of search's effectiveness change when looking at the entire picture of marketing interactions? What are the barriers to understanding attribution, both internal and external? How do mobile devices and apps impact our understanding? Discover how some of the sharpest people in the industry think about attribution, what they have learned, and what you can do to get a better grasp of what drives your business.

George Michie, CEO, Rimm Kaufman Group 
Alex Irvin, Marketing Director, 1800PetMeds.com 
Shay O'Reilly, Business Analytics Manager, Adobe 
Greg Papaleoni, Innovation Lead for Measurement Strategy and Insight Development, Yahoo! 
Tim Schaeffer, SEM Manager, Zappos.com 
Dave Schwartz, VP, Client Services, DataPop 
12:15 PM ET
12:15 PM ET

Search and Data: The Intersection of Keywords and Audiences - Facilitator: Dave Tan, SEM Agency Business Development, Google

Big Data: SEO, Mobile and What to Do With It - Facilitator: Carrie Parri, SE Sales Director, IgnitionOne
Attribution Challenges and Benefits - Facilitator: Wendi Sturgis, EVP, Yext
Data and Privacy - Facilitator: Lindsay Conwell, Global Director, Product Consulting, Marin Software

1:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
2:15 PM ET
2:15 PM ET

Golf at Sanctuary course
Tarpon Fishing Charter
Remote Island Hop and Dolphin Cruise

6:30 PM ET
6:30 PM ET

Sand Dollar Plaza - located at the South end of the island

Via shuttle departing from Sand Dollar Plaza at 7:30PM

Wednesday, 04/25

7:30 AM ET
7:30 AM ET
Registration Opens
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
Continental Breakfast
Day 3: Search+ - Display, Social, and Video
8:30 AM ET
8:30 AM ET
Keynote: Building A Social-Search Engine From Scratch

Microsoft, Google and Yahoo continue to overlay a sheet of social on top of search results, but what would a search-social engine built from the ground up look like, and how might search engine marketers optimize content and paid search ads? Take a behind the scenes look at some of the experimental work at Microsoft and how it could change the future of ad targeting, sharing and search engine marketing.

Lili Cheng, General Manager, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research 
9:00 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
Panel: A Social Search Engine Through the Eyes of Next-Geners

How does the next-generation of consumers react to the increasing social-ness of search and the ability to find content online? Do they LIKE to search online, and what reaction drives them to PLUS a purchase, TWEET a message, or take some sort of action. Is it different on mobile device, compared with desktop? Does knowledge from strangers and friends prompt them to try new products or services? Explore the next version of the social-search engine in the eyes of the next-gen consumer.

Michelle Prieb
, Account Supervisor, Edelman @meprieb


Sarah Brolsma Whitfield, Senior, Communications/PR, Florida Gulf Coast University
Brittany Bergeron, Junior, Health Science, Florida Gulf Coast University
Jon Galamay
, Senior, Athletic Training, Florida Gulf Coast University
Thomas Krumsick, Junior, Business Management, Florida Gulf Coast University
Kristin Milligan, Social Media Moderator, Content Manager, Multimedia Journalist, Florida Gulf Coast University
Daniel Pfaffenbach, Senior, Communicaitons, Florida Gulf Coast University

9:45 AM ET
9:45 AM ET
Presentation: Lights, Camera, Innovate: Unlocking Creativity Through Improv

In today’s competitive landscape, search engines can’t thrive on being a one-trick pony; innovation is key to survival. As one of the earliest search engines, Ask.com has gone through multiple transformations, and now focused on fine-tuning its search-based Q&A platform, as well as aggressively shoring up its mobile strategy, 2 million app downloads and triple digit growth to its mobile site last year. So, how does a 16-year-old search company come up with new tricks? CEO Doug Leeds will share how applied improv workshops have dramatically shifted the way his company operates, sparking some of the best ideas to date. Learn how applying this improv process scientifically breaks through our industry's inherent analytical nature to "wake up" the creative side of the brain, and how the process of doing so can change everything marketers know about their business.

Doug Leeds, CEO, Ask.com 
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Panel: Social SEO: How Search Marketers Should Think About Optimizing Social

From Google+ and Facebook to LinkedIn and Wikipedia or YouTube and Twitter -- social has a dramatic influence on a brand's organic reputation. Understanding how to optimize profiles and share content becomes crucial. Join the panel of social media SEO experts for a no-holds barred look at best practices brands must follow to avoid being negligent; advanced social SEO mash-up tactics that insiders know, but you'll discover; how paid social media "organic" mash-ups like Facebook Sponsored Stories and StumbleUpon paid stumbles can affect classic search engine results pages; and how emerging communities like Pintrest affect SEO and why marketers need to care.

Lisa Buyer, CEO & Columnist, The Buyers Group 
Emily Crume, Business Development, Digg 
Kenn Gold, Director of Content Development, PCH Online 
Will Scott, President, Search Influence 
11:00 AM ET
11:00 AM ET
Panel: Social Media ROI: Conversions vs. Branding and the Currency of Likes, Followers, +1s and Joins

There has been much debate about the ROI of social media advertising and how search engine marketing agencies and their clients should measure the performance of campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Some social media advertisers can deliver an ROI equal to their paid search campaign. Others simply don’t have the same dynamics, so advertisers need to think about ROI in terms of social interactions such as Likes/Followers/Joins or strictly branding. But what is the value of a Like and how should advertisers think about ROI for Liker or other social media campaigns? In this session, we will review the different components of social media advertising ROI and discuss how agencies should educate their clients about measuring social media advertising for conversions, social interactions and branding.

Niel Robertson, CEO, Trada 
Jonathan Cho, Managing Director, Leader of Search, N.A., Mindshare 
Heather Molina, Managing Director, Content Continuum, Resolution Media 
Nate Riggs, Director of Social Business, The Karcher Group 
Fred Tietze, VP, GM, Extole 
11:45 AM ET
11:45 AM ET

SEO and Social: How Marketers Should Think About Ranking and Conversions - Facilitator: Rick Egan, VP Group Account Director, The Search Agency

Currency of Likes, Follows, +1s and Other Social Signals - Facilitator: Chris Slovak, Sr. Sales Engineer, SearchForce
How the Next-gen Views Search, Social and Mobile - Facilitator: Jodi Mak, Marketing Coordinator, Marin Software

12:30 PM ET
12:30 PM ET
Conference Concludes


South Seas Island Resort, Captiva Florida
5400 Plantation Road
Captiva Island, Florida, 33924

Download a PDF of our ground transportation choices. The closest airport is RSW Southwest Florida International Airport. There will also be a Hertz rental on property which you can reach at 239-209-8031.

Escape to a tranquil tropical-island destination along the Florida Gulf Coast, where time abides by a softer tempo and nature remains truly unspoiled. Discover South Seas Island Resort – a serene village and wildlife sanctuary unto itself – marked by white-sand beaches, coastal waters that glisten with endless shades of blue, and boundless opportunity for family adventure.

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For general summit inquiries please contact Seth Oilman, SVP, Chief Revenue Officer at seth@mediapost.com.

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