December 7 - 10, 2016
Deer Valley, UT

Event Sponsors


Wednesday, 12/07

6:00 PM ET
6:00 PM ET

Thursday, 12/08

7:00 AM ET
7:00 AM ET
Registration Opens Stein Eriksen ballroom
Day 1: Crossing Devices, Channels and Into the Store SIS kicks off sharing best practices in attribution as search crosses devices and channels, making search the hub of the marketing strategy. It's not enough to fixate on the data, the attribution and the content in organic strategies. Marketers also must think incrementally about each channel and how it fits into the overall campaign to prevent from cannibalizing search. Each channel connected with search must grow equally well, even when tracking online to retail store campaigns.
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Sponsor Breakfast Presentation
8:45 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
Opening remarks
Steve Smith, VP, Editorial Director, Events, MediaPost 
9:00 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
Keynote: Transforming the Customer Experience Through Search
Search is becoming less of a query and more of a conversation. Why people search hasn't changed, but how they search has. Predictive search, Google Post, and Facebook M will become some of the biggest drivers of change in 2017, which brings to the forefront the importance of how consumers experience interactions with brands. Join David Schoonover, senior manager and head of digital, social, CRM and .com at Kia Motors America, as he steps through how the next phase of search will transform the relationship between brands and consumers.
David Schoonover, Sr. Manager, Head of Digital, Social, CRM & .com, Kia Motors America, Inc. 
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Panel: Priming Search across Channels to Solve the Attribution Challenge
Consumers continue to shift their search behavior to mobile. While it's now a crucial part of any senior marketers’ acquisition strategy, rising costs and complicated attribution models that bring many devices and channels into the mix make campaigns more difficult to handle. Join experts as they share and provide tips on attributing the media to consumer behavior to advance mobile search programs across a variety of digital channels and devices.
Jesse Henson, VP Marketing, 
Jason Hartley, VP, U.S. Search Practice Lead, 360i 
Frank Lee, Industry Lead, eCommerce, Global Marketing Solutions, Facebook 
Carly London, Director, Acquisition, Dollar Shave Club 
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Q&A: Thinking Incrementality to Prevent Cannibalizing Search in Cross-Channel Strategies
So you've bridged the gap between search, social, television and other media. As you change the consumer's behavior, how do you use search as a building block to build out each channel organically without cannibalizing the other? Join Alexandru Otrezov, head of SEM at Uber, as he walks through the steps in a lively Q&A.
Alex Otrezov, Head of Search & Experimentation, Uber 
Chris Humber, Head of Practice, Search, GroupM 
10:45 AM ET
10:45 AM ET
Panel: Fragmentation—Tying Search To Retail In Stores
Optimizing online campaigns based on in-store visits have become a reality with help of mobile phones, beacons and other technology, but fragmentation and data has become one of the biggest changes and challenges marketers face. Join a panel of experts as they debate the changes and challenges to tying offline and online attribution methods with online targeting and retargeting.
Ada Pally, VP of client services, 3Q Digital 
David Buckley, CMO, Sears Hometown & Outlet Stores 
Mike Gauld, VP, Director of Search, DigitasLBi 
Clayton McLaughlin, Principal, VICI86 Consulting 
Tony Orelli, Managing Director, Elite SEM 
Jason Owen, GM and SVP, 
11:30 AM ET
11:30 AM ET
Discussion: Data You Need And Data You Need To Report On
Marketers are drowning in data, yet  many do not know how to identify the best data to keep and the least useful to discard. Join a group of experts from across the industry as they reveal secrets about what data can deliver the highest return on investment for campaigns.
Zach Cole, Manager, SEM, UPMC Health Plan 
Erin Everhart, Senior Director of Event Programming, MediaPost 
Gregg Greenberg, VP, SAP Digital 
Rob Griffin, Co-Founder, Rise-Alliance 
12:00 PM ET
12:00 PM ET

Priming Search Across Channels to Solve the Attribution Challenge - Jesse Henson, VP of Marketing at

How To Prevent Cannibalizing Search in Cross-Channel Strategies - Chris Humber, Sr. Partner, Head of Practice, Search at GroupM 

Data You Need And Data You Need To Report On - Erin Everhart, Senior Manager, Media Strategy & Mobile at The Home Depot

Fragmentation—Tying Search To Retail In Stores - Sean Marshall, Chief Evangelist, QuanticMind

1:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:10 PM ET
1:10 PM ET
Sponsor Luncheon Presentation
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
Skiing at the Deer Valley Resort
Snowmobiling at Red Pine Canyon
Snowshoe Tour at the Deer Valley Resort
Yoga in the Wellness Studio
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
2:30 PM ET
2:30 PM ET
4:00 PM ET
4:00 PM ET
Apres Ski PartyTroll Lounge
5:30 PM ET
5:30 PM ET
One on One MeetingsStein Ballroom
6:30 PM ET
6:30 PM ET
Cocktail PartyOlympic Ballroom Foyer
Shuttles depart at 6PM from Stein Eriksen Lodge lobby
7:30 PM ET
7:30 PM ET

Friday, 12/09

7:30 AM ET
7:30 AM ET
Registration Opens Stein Eriksen ballroom
Day 2: Mobile, Desktop, Data SIS on day two looks at the new opportunities in mobile and desktop to grow and support campaigns through artificial intelligence, machine learning, content and data. Consumers have new expectations on the ways they want to communicate with brands, as well as the content they expect to see. Experts also will provide insight into cracking the code for the next phase of organic search as chat bots and voice search play a major role.
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
8:15 AM ET
Sponsor Breakfast Presentation
9:00 AM ET
9:00 AM ET
Keynote: How To Justify Spending More On Mobile
HP is first to test many of Bing's and Google's innovative advertising features such as Purchases On Google, which uses mobile product listing ads to allow consumers to buy HP products through Google. Tools like this one requires internal collaboration to justify even a gradual move in budget for mobile media. An uptick in the average order size on mobile helps, but how do you get there? Morgan Chemij, director of marketing North America at, serves up guidance to help brands better understanding their options.
Morgan Chemij, Global Marketplace Strategy & Execution, HP 
9:30 AM ET
9:30 AM ET
Panel: Using Artificial Intelligence to Support E-Commerce and Search

How will marketers capitalize on voice, chat bots and new intent signals as artificial intelligence moves marketers beyond keywords in a search box? The next evolution of search is the ability to process, categorize and index signals from images, sound, smell and textures similar to the way search engines process text-based search queries today. The first step on that journey is to teach a machine to see and hear—voice search and virtual assistants. The second is to teach marketers to think differently. But how differently? Join us as we delve into the next phase of machine learning in search advertising and marketing. 

Neil Doshi, Corporate Development and Strategy, Samsung Electronics 
Diana Boyles, VP, Marketing, Home Advisor 
Jacob C. Loban, Senior Partner, Managing Director, MediaCom 
Andrew Poon, VP of Product Management for Search, Yahoo 
Sid Shah, Director of Business Analytics for Advertising Solutions, Adobe 
10:15 AM ET
10:15 AM ET
Discussion: Best Kept Secrets Of AI For Use In Search
Some search marketers use machine learning and computer vision to determine visual similarity algorithms for on-page keywords to improve search engine optimization or discover terms for paid search accounts. Other use it to create more relevant content on landing pages and in ads. Join a panel of experts as they discuss the different ways AI can support search.
Scott Linzer, Vice President, Owned Media, iCrossing 
Jacob Davis, Director, Digital Acquisition, Hilton 
Dave Ragals, Global Managing Director, Search, IgnitionOne 
10:45 AM ET
10:45 AM ET
Panel: Setting Customer Expectations Before Reaching The Homepage
Experience is a key aspect of any site or app design. Search experts carefully examine all the potential actions consumers could take and intentionally design pages to help them accomplish a specific task. While traditionally this successful method maps out all potential paths that consumers could potentially take through various pages on the site, an overlooked piece remains the  experience consumers have just prior to landing on a brand's or a retailer's Web site. Discover the value of understanding the search engine results pages and the potential impact competitive sites have at setting consumer expectations. Join the panel of experts to discuss how to reinforce or potentially change consumer intent before they even reach your site.
Ross Fadner, Director, Event Programming, MediaPost 
Jai Amin, VP, Paid Search, Jellyfish 
Min Cho, Sr. Director, Digital Marketing & Analytics, 
Jonathan Kagan, Search & Media Strategy, Amsive 
Erin McGlynn, Digital Marketing Lead, Search and Digital Media, Highmark Health 
11:30 AM ET
11:30 AM ET
Presentation: Cracking The Code for the Next Phase Of Organic Search
How should marketers think about the future of organic search as bots, voice search and artificial intelligence complicate traditional strategies? Consumer behavior, along with changes in search engine algorithms can force marketers to quickly refocus just to keep up, forcing the readjustment of voice; local; and torso and long-tail keywords search strategies. Join Freeman Setrana, digital marketing manager of paid media at The Home Depot to hear how SEO fits into the future of search.
Freeman Setrana, Digital Marketing Manager, Paid Media - Online Marketing, The Home Depot 
12:00 PM ET
12:00 PM ET

When Marketers Should Spend More On Mobile Morgan Chemij, Director of Marketing, North America,

Using Artificial Intelligence to Support eCommerce and SearchScott Linzer, VP of Owned Media at iCrossing

Setting Customer Expectations Before Reaching The HomepageJonathan Kagan, Director of Search and Biddable Media at MARC USA, Results Media

Cracking the Code for the Next Phase of Organic SearchFreeman Setrana, Digital Marketing Manager of Paid Media at The Home Depot.

1:00 PM ET
1:00 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
1:15 PM ET
Sponsor Luncheon Presentation
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
Skiing at the Deer Valley Resort
Snowboarding at Park City Mountain Resort
Tubing at Gorgoza Park
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
2:00 PM ET
4:00 PM ET
4:00 PM ET
Apres Ski PartyTroll Lounge
6:30 PM ET
6:30 PM ET
Cocktail PartyWasatch Brew Pub
7:30 PM ET
7:30 PM ET
9:30 PM ET
9:30 PM ET

Saturday, 12/10

7:30 AM ET
7:30 AM ET
Registration Opens Stein Eriksen ballroom
Day 3: Automating Relationships We close SIS by taking a step back to move forward. What are the best practices of years gone by that deserve another look as search becomes more automated, and what are some of the secrets to creating a stronger bond between agency and brand? As the technology becomes increasingly complicated, who takes responsibility for mapping the tools and strategies? Where does communications fall short and what makes a long lasting relationship not only between the agency and brand, but the brand and consumer?
8:00 AM ET
8:00 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
8:45 AM ET
Keynote: Reinventing the Cisco Brand
Digital, mobile and customer centric approaches are not always easy to accomplish for a 32-year-old icon entrenched in networking hardware, telecommunications equipment, and other high-tech services and products. It's not for a lack of innovation. Leonard Bosack and Sandy Lerner, two Stanford University computer scientists founded Cisco and pioneered the concept of the local area network (LAN) used to connect geographically disparate computers over routers. Sound complicated? Join Diane Pease, regional audience manager at Cisco, as she walks through the transformation.
Diane Pease, Regional Audience Manager, Cisco 
9:15 AM ET
9:15 AM ET
Presentation: Reaching Back To Basics For Digital Growth
Remember when it seemed really easy to get wrapped up in expansion opportunities for hours and days on end during a time when CPCs were relatively cheap and online felt like the Wild West? For some search marketers growth and change meant gaining the ability to dig into real data to make decisions because in traditional advertising directional data and budgets are often cut. Join Theresa Duerr, director of digital marketing at, as she reaches back into the past to create new ways to drive digital growth, fix broken campaigns, and find ways to supplement the knowledge of your agency and internal teams.
Theresa Duerr, Director of Digital Marketing, 
9:45 AM ET
9:45 AM ET
Panel: Secrets of a Happy Marriage
Brands and their search agency partners have gone through a lot of changes in the past five years. Recent data suggest the average relationship lasts about three years. Many have gone through positive changes, while others believe there's still room for improvement. Where does communication fall short and what can each partner bring to strengthen the relationship? Join a panel of experts as they debate the secrets of forging a long-lasting agency-brand relationship.
Gerry Bavaro, SVP, Enterprise Solutions & Strategy, Merkle 
Nikzad Allahverdi, Senior Digital Manager, Five Star Quality Care 
Daniel Russell, Digital Marketing Manager, Go Fish Digital 
Nick Swan, Group Account Director - Performics Practices Team, Optimedia 
Ron Weber, Senior Marketing Manager: Acquisition, Quicken Inc. 
10:30 AM ET
10:30 AM ET

How A 32-Year-Old Brand Refocused On Search, Digital Diane Pease, Regional Audience Manager at Cisco Systems

Search Back To Jump Forward Theresa Duerr, Director of Digital Marketing at

How To Find Your Own Secrets For A Happy Marriage Daniel Russell, Digital Marketing Manager,   Go Fish Digital

11:30 AM ET
11:30 AM ET
Conference Concludes


Stein Eriksen Lodge at Deer Valley Resort, Park City, UT
7700 Stein Way
P.O. Box 3177
Park City, Utah, 84060

The Stein Eriksen Lodge at Deer Valley Resort is the ONLY Five-Star, Five Diamond property in Park City, Utah and prides itself on providing guests with impeccable, personalized service and luxurious lodging.

The 5-Star, Stein Eriksen Lodge at Deer Valley Resort, UT

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