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On Sitelinks And Brand Domination

  • SEOmoz, Thursday, November 15, 2007 2:30 PM
Rand Fishkin adds another layer to the discussion of how Google's switch to allowing up to 8 sitelinks to be listed underneath a general search listing will actually have major effects on site traffic and "brand domination" of results.

He uses screenshots and examples of how massive Web properties like CNN as well as smaller niche sites like can overtake the organic results, and when combined with top placement for paid search, can literally wipe competitors out of the first pane.

Fishkin also notes the ambiguity of Google's sitelinks process, as major brands like eBay and GE haven't generated any sitelinks (or have perhaps blocked the search giant from creating them), though they clearly have the depth of content to do so.

As always, the comment stream serves up more food for thought, including the debate over whether brands will end up using Google to dominate the flow of information to the masses -- and why it's important for users to have alternative search options.

Read the whole story at SEOmoz »

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