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MySpace Launching Webmail Service?

TechCrunch reports that MySpace is following in the footstep of Yahoo and other Internet giants by opening up a Webmail service of its own. The proof? The company has been reassigning internal email addresses, which used to be, to

This is exactly what Yahoo did prior to launching a Webmail service, Michael Arrington notes. "There is no other reasonable explanation for the changeover, which is extremely disruptive to communications," he says.

On Wednesday, Fox Interactive Media, the corporate parent of MySpace, sent an email to all MySpace employees detailing the change. "It doesn't seem like much, but this is as good as confirmation that we'll be seeing MySpace launching a full Webmail product in the near future," Arrington says. TechCrunch has the full email; neither MySpace nor FIM commented on this story.

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