

  • by December 21, 2000

A quick roundup of some survey materials shows that product information dominates, household purchasing has increased almost 50% since last year and globally, people are spending. Here's where and why:

OnLine Purchasers and Purchases

 OnLine Purchasing
(% of US households)
| | 1999 | 2000 |
| All Purchases | 24% | 34 |
| Books | 45 | 45 |
| Travel | 26 | 30 |
| CD's | 27 | 27 |
| Computers& | 32 | 26 |
| Hardware | | |
Source: the Conference Board
Site Stuff
 Content on the Web
| Type of Material | % of |
| | Total |
| Product Information | 53% |
| News | 36 |
| E-mail | 26 |
| Portal | 14 |
| Retail | 14 |
| Games | 10 |
| Reference | 9 |
| Finance | 8 |
| Chat | 2 |
| B2B | 1 |
Source: Zona Research
Where’s the Bucks?
 Global E-Shoppers
| Location | Number of | Average |
| | Purchases | Total Value |
| | Expected | of Expected |
| | Next Year | Purchases |
| Australia | 8.1 | $910 |
| U.S. | 7.7 | 779 |
| Great Britain | 7.3 | 633 |
| Argentina | 5.6 | 445 |
| Canada | 5.6 | 382 |
| Sweden | 5.2 | 256 |
| Japan | 5.0 | 925 |
| Hong Kong | 4.6 | 556 |
| Brazil | 4.6 | 262 |
| Italy | 3.8 | 305 |
Source: American Express
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