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Google News Changes Examined

Search Engine Land's Matt McGee unexpectedly gained entry "completely new" Google News homepage design that Online Media Daily wrote about in late May. According to McGee's account -- and accompanying screenshots -- the new layout replaces the current two-column, grid-style layout with a wider main column and smaller sidebar-style column on the right.

"It looks more like a blog, frankly," writes McGee. Each story has the same "star" option that existing on the current Google News, but a new drop-down menu presents users with several sharing options: Facebook, Twitter, Google Buzz, Google Reader, and email. Meanwhile, the "News for you" section in the middle offers customization options, "including the choice to view news stories in raw list format or in sections, which groups together stories based on categories (Business, World, Sports, etc.)," McGee notes. "The only other big difference I can see is the inclusion of story/topic links in the left-side navigation, below each news category."

Read the whole story at Search Engine Land »

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