
The All-Knowing Omnipresent Cloud

That creepy, creepy, creepy ass cloud. Most people know very little in the way of how cloud computing pretty much changes everything.


My first explanation on cloud computing came in a session with the Center for Media Design during my junior year. We were talking about usage and how we feel the Internet could work better to serve us, especially in the area of search. At the time I wasn’t quite sure how big an impact it would have in my own personal life.

I am oftentimes running behind on several different things all at once. This is the curse of the over-achieving individual suffering from procrastination. About a year ago in an effort to make my life a tad bit easier I decided to finally put my Google Docs to work. I would normally have to email assignments to myself on the days I was supposed to print them off but this made things so much simpler. I also didn’t have to worry about where I saved things because everything I needed was always there available via Gmail.

Although my usage has been fairly simple as far as cloud computing is concerned, a discussion in class the other day prompted me to wonder about what the future may hold…

Will privacy become a major issue?

What about software companies specializing in office/clerical work, will they be replaced?

I may sound a little like ‘the guy who lives in a basement and refuses to speak on the phone without using a secret code language that only he and his friends understand for fear that the MAN is listening’ but I am not too keen on the idea of potentially having every document of mine, and every search, and every email conversation being accumulated by this big puff of invisibility in the sky.

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