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Pogue Picks Apart Quora

What does the New York Times tech taste arbiter David Pogue make of Q&A site Quora? "There's an unbelievable richness of answers," he writes. "But if you're getting the impression that Quora is, so far, for geeks, you're right." Also, along with questions as to why Quora asks new users to recommend the service to friends, Pogue couldn't find any explanation of what Quora is or how it's different from Aardvark, Digg, or Yahoo Answers.

"There's a 'How do I get started using Quora?' question that you can click, but the answers are baffling from the beginning: 1. Follow some topics that interest you. 2. Browse questions that interest you. 3. Add answers to questions you know about. Overall, Pogue says he loves "crowd-sourced" answer sites, but Quora still has some big questions to answer. Namely: "Why not make this thing easier for normal people to figure out?"

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