
Real Media Riffs - Thursday, Dec 19, 2002

Rising Up: Why would a magazine or newspaper push up rate bases and newsstand prices in this economy? Because they can. The New York Times and Detroit news have led the way with newsstand prices. A few Meredith books, Newsweek and FHM have led the way with rate bases jumps. Even if you’re a planer/buyer who will have to pat a higher ticket, you have to respect the health this shows in some parts of the print business. Which leads us somehow to Gannett. It sees an opportunity beyond rate bases and quarter price hikes. Reports say it wants a news channel. In my opinion, it’s not exactly what the media world needs. Wait, let me a bit more clear. A Gannett News channel has the same chance of succeeding as Trent Lott being invited for Christmas dinner at The White House. If magazines and newspapers have a shot at increasing revenue, its through doing better at rate base increases, and smart acquisitions.

What It Feels Like: I like Fox taking a section from Esquire and making it a TV show. It already has a proven attraction to men, and already has a format that will translate well to reality TV. There’s another section of Esquire I think would work even better. It’s called “Ten Things You Don’t Know About Women.”

OK, I Guess I’m A Media Strumpet: In her Times of London column this week Tina Brown observes: "Information takes time and money to acquire, but opinion on the Web is fast and cheap."



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