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Explaining Androids' Data Appetite

  • GigaOm, Wednesday, June 1, 2011 12:24 PM
Besting the iPhone and other smartphones, Android devices seem to be the most data hungry, according to new Nielsen data. Why? Well, "It's still not clear why that is and whether or not this indicates more usage on the part of Android users or something inherent in the platform that lends itself to more data use," GigaOm writes. Further complicating matters, Nielsen found that iPhone users downloaded more apps -- and consumed more streaming music and video -- in the last 30 days than Android users. So, what gives?

"It could be that Android owners are more power users while iPhone users dabble more broadly but may not be as intense in their data use," GigaOm suggests. "Android also has a higher percentage of free apps compared to [Apple's] iOS, and it's likely the free apps monetize more through ads, which have to communicate frequently with ad servers."

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