Artist Match Ranks on Top

  • April 17, 2003
MUSICMATCH Artist Match was ranked the number one individual Internet radio station with 306,290 hours of Total Time Spent Listening (TTSL) for the week of March 31, according to Arbitron MeasureCast Ratings. WLS-AM was ranked the number two individual Internet radio station with 230,788 hours of TTSL, the sum total of hours tuned by listeners to a given station or network. WQXR-FM was ranked number three with 230,539 hours of TTSL. ChainCast/StreamAudio was ranked the number one Internet Broadcast Network with 1,595,972 hours of TTSL. MUSICMATCH was ranked number two with 1,290,206 hours of TTSL. Warp Radio was ranked number three with 765,357 hours of TTSL.
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