
Media Plan: MediaCom, Audi, Sunday Strategy


To sell a new a high-end luxury car conventional wisdom would tell you to build a media plan around Thursday night prime-time TV shows in order to drive weekend traffic into dealer showrooms. MediaCom tried something different to sell Audi’s new A8.

With research showing that Sundays were unexpectedly the optimal time to reach affluent consumers that could be in the market to buy a luxury sedan, MediaCom built its media strategy around Sunday buys. The plan saved media dollars while sacrificing only a little reach, however it also leveraged the insight that consumers are more receptive to messaging on Sunday and have more personal time on Sunday to engage with media. The “Sunday Strategy” focused Audi’s 2011 communications plan around one day a week, effectively enveloping consumers in messaging from the Sunday paper, news shows, NFL coverage, and online via site takeovers, iPad and Mobile ads.

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